For the latest DJ Fuzuli sets, please visit MixCloud and/or SoundCloud and/or YouTube. DJ Fuzuli regularly posts new sets, live performances, and back to back performances with other DJs on these sites.
Vintage mixes (circa 2000-2001) are also available here and below (the last vintage set is called Flagship, from 2004, and comes with a full track listing with individually downloadable tracks).
For bookings, please contact DJ Fuzuli directly. DJ Fuzuli, true to form, shuns social media - but has had to recently erect an @djfuzuli much begrudgingly. BTW, here's the DJ Fuzuli Press Kit.
DJ Fuzuli Presents:
Flagship |
a 77 minute continuous DJ mix |
triple distilled MP3, 118MB |
Track Listing:
Music visibly changes our mood – despite itself being unseen to the
eye. - Fuzuli
Fuzuli owes his musical ear to his piano lessons early on in life, through which
he had advanced to the point where he’d be spending his classroom boredom
time composing sheet music. Unfortunately, due to the pressures of having to
practice daily, he quit classical music after several years of training; fortunately
for us, his musical ear does seem to have lingered on.
Having developed a love for electronic music at an even earlier age – with its
“Roots easily traced to precision Mathematics, and the corresponding capacity
to evoke goosebumps and raise one’s hair,” Fuzuli finally returned to audiophile
paradise in his late teens; learning DJing on vinyl with the venerable Technics
MK1210s during the latter half of the 90’s. “We had to meticulously choose our
records for each night, as there was no way to carry your entire collection to
the club – something with which modern technology has helped indeed,” notes
Fuzuli, although adding “our crate carrying fans are sorely missed!” However,
this time it would be a segue into a successful software development enterprise
that would be creating a secondary hiatus; and one that wouldn’t really be over
until the latter half of the 2010’s either.
Currently crafting a blend of ethnically infused, inspired and spiritually uplifting
tunes – energized by driven progressive notes rendered with full conviction;
Fuzuli assures us a third interruption won’t be coming any time soon. He states
his preferred form of composition, namely spinning three (and sometimes even
four) tracks simultaneously, merits designation as a form of production in its own
right – even if formal compositions of sheet music, or its modern digital forms
taking place on computers, are not yet on the cards. Computing burnout, we
ask? The answer is a resounding yes – to Fuzuli, the whole point of music is
entering a state of flow, far from the endless distractions of modern digital devices.
1999-2024 DJ Fuzuli. All rights reserved. |